Wednesday, 20 July 2016

I'm on holiday!

So the is the current view from my window. Now the wonderful things is that this means I'm on an actual holiday, the bad news is no hobby for two weeks so you'll have to hold out and wait for a little while, however that doesn't mean that hobby thought won't happen. I have two realm gate novels, three Horus Heresy novels, the new legions red book and the sylvanethbattle tome to chew through, so hopefully I can get some planningdone in the next two weeks and then we can hit the ground running as we have a legion  to carry on building as well as 2 AoS armies to build up and paint. Any way that's it from me for two weeks so I'll see you on the other side.


Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Sylvaneth Army showcase

So this week I haven't managed to get a huge amount of personal hobby time in this week (I finished the armour on 5 space marines) but I have managed to get a whole bunch of inspiration as well as painting a whole sylvaneth army for the shop (for those of you who don't know I know work in the Southampton GW so come say hello) so I thought I'd showcase them here seeing as I painted them.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The Hobby Butterfly Strikes Again!

So as you may have noticed I've been quiet for a couple of weeks and that is unfortunately due to non-hobby related things needing to be done from both a personal and work side of things. I've started a couple of new projects and am keen to get some old ones finished, I just need to find the time and space to do so. Hopefully I'll have something to show later this week (when I have a chance to write it up) but there will be no proper update this week. Below is a photo of my finished 'Aard Boy tester model to whet your appertite until I can get something more concrete together.